Frequently asked questions

What is the Mobility Industry?

The mobility industry is a term used to refer to businesses and organizations that focus on providing transportation services and solutions. This can include companies that manufacture cars and other vehicles, as well as those that operate public transportation systems, ride-sharing services, and other forms of transportation. The mobility industry is a rapidly growing and evolving sector, with new technologies and business models emerging all the time.The mobility industry is a rapidly evolving sector that has seen significant growth in recent years, particularly with the emergence of new technologies like electric and self-driving vehicles. Many experts believe that the mobility industry will continue to grow and evolve in the coming years, as new technologies and business models continue to emerge.

What is Android Automotive

Android Automotive is an operating system developed by Google that is specifically designed for use in vehicles. It is based on the Android mobile operating system, but has been modified to support a range of features and functions that are specifically tailored for use in cars. Android Automotive allows car manufacturers to integrate a wide range of features into their vehicles, including navigation, entertainment, and connectivity. It also allows drivers to access the same apps and services that they use on their smartphones, providing a seamless and integrated experience.

What is the software-defined vehicle?

A software-defined vehicle is a type of vehicle that relies heavily on software to control its various systems and functions. This can include everything from the vehicle's engine and transmission, to its infotainment and connectivity systems. By using software to control these systems, vehicle manufacturers can create vehicles that are more flexible and adaptable, and can be easily updated and improved over time. The use of software in vehicles is becoming increasingly common, as it allows car manufacturers to create vehicles that are more efficient and capable, and can offer a better driving experience to drivers.

How long before we will see fully autonomous vehicles?

It is difficult to predict exactly when we will see fully autonomous vehicles become widespread, as the development of this technology is still in the early stages. However, many experts believe that we will see significant progress in the coming years, and that fully autonomous vehicles could become a common sight on the roads within the next decade. It is important to note that the development of this technology will depend on a number of factors, including advances in artificial intelligence, the availability of sensor technologies, and the regulatory environment.‍

Could shared mobility become widespread?

Shared mobility, which refers to the use of shared transportation services like ride-hailing and car-sharing, has already become widespread in many parts of the developed world. In recent years, the rise of ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft has made it easier than ever for people to access shared transportation options, and many people are turning to these services as a way to save money and reduce their environmental impact. In addition, car-sharing programs, which allow people to rent cars on an as-needed basis, have become increasingly popular in cities around the world. It is likely that shared mobility will continue to grow in popularity in the coming years.‍

What is a connected vehicle?

A connected vehicle is a vehicle that is equipped with internet connectivity, allowing it to communicate with other devices and systems. This can include a range of different technologies, such as on-board sensors, cellular networks, and satellite-based systems. With a connected vehicle, drivers can access a wide range of information and services, such as real-time traffic updates, navigation assistance, and vehicle diagnostics. In addition, connected vehicles can also communicate with other vehicles and infrastructure, such as traffic lights and road signs, to improve safety and efficiency on the road. Many experts believe that connected vehicles will play a key role in the future of transportation.